Client Portal

Private Members Area
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Hi {contact_name}! Welcome to your private portal!

[wpc_client_logoutb /] < Click here to logout

From this HUB Page, you can access all the pages, documents, photos & files that you have access to.

Private Messages

Have a question? Need to book a service call? Send us a message and we can schedule one right away for you!

[wpc_client_com redirect_after = “” show_filters = “yes” show_number = “5” /]

Your System Documentaion

[wpc_client_filesla view_type = “list” show_sort = “yes” sort_type = “order_id” sort = “desc” categories_sort_type = “name” categories_sort = “asc” show_tags = “no” show_date = “yes” show_size = “yes” show_author = “no” with_subcategories = “no” show_file_cats = “no” show_last_download_date = “yes” show_thumbnails = “yes” show_search = “no” show_filters = “no” show_pagination = “yes” show_pagination_by = “5” exclude_author = “no” /]

Your Client Portal Pages

In this section you have access to private pages that contain videos and extra information specific to your system.

[wpc_client_pagel view_type = “list” categories = “all” sort_type = “” sort = “desc” show_categories_titles = “no” show_featured_image = “no” show_search = “no” show_date = “yes” show_current_page = “no” show_sort = “no” show_pagination = “yes” show_pagination_by = “5” no_text = “You don’t have any pages” /]

[wpc_client_private for=”15″]Enter protected text for logged in users here[/wpc_client_private]